What Does the Bible Say About Disciplining Your Children?


How do you discipline your child? Do you ground them? Put them in time out? Take things away from them? Are you a conscious discipline type of parent? Do you spank your child? To follow that, how were you disciplined as a child? Often times we make decisions on how we parent our kids,...

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Top 5 Things Christian Moms Should Do to Prepare for a New School Year


Can you believe it’s that time again?! Summer break is dwindling down, and another school year is upon us.

Preparing to go back to school can be both exciting and challenging, with clothes and school supply shopping, the preparation for change in our daily schedules, and just the...

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6 Steps to Discover Your Calling


Why am I here? What is my purpose? How do I know what my calling is?

Life is busy, and time goes by fast; yet in the midst of it all; there is absolute purpose for your life and actually more than one calling!

Have you ever asked your kid to do something, let's say for example you asked...

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