Celebrating the harvest season, Fall, Autumn,  Fall Verses, Pumpkin Season

Celebrating the Harvest Season: Gratitude and Faithful Stewardship

As moms, we often find ourselves caught up in the busyness of life, always on-the-go and trying to keep up with the demands of our daily routines. We are constantly juggling roles, responsibilities, and commitments. Without realizing it, we can easily forget to truly reflect on the blessings that surround us. One of the most significant blessings we may overlook is the harvest season, a time for celebrating God’s provision in our lives.

When you think of harvest season, your mind may go straight to all things pumpkin spice and fall decor! I know I’m not the only one! It’s the beginning of cooler weather and the start of the football season. Ah, just thinking about it makes me smile! While these joyous things are just beginning, harvest season itself is the completion of harvesting. It is a season when the hard work of farmers and gardeners is rewarded with a bountiful harvest.

As we enjoy the fruits of their labor, we are reminded of the importance and significance of the harvest season, including reflection, gratitude, celebration of abundance, and faithful stewardship - not only for farmers and gardeners, but for us in our own lives.



Reflection and Gratitude


The harvest season provides an opportunity for us to reflect on our blessings and provisions. In a world where we often take things for granted, it is essential to take time and be thankful for tangible ways in which God provides. When I begin feeling down, stressed, or just irritable, I will look around and begin actively noticing things I am grateful for. As I do that, my perspective begins to shift, and I am able to see things differently. Write it, speak it, or pray it. Practicing gratitude really does result in being grateful! 

“Give thanks in everything; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Not only can we reflect on our blessings, but it’s a time for self-reflection and an opportunity to make changes in our lives, so that we may better honor God with all He has given us.


Celebration of Abundance


The harvest season is a time to celebrate the abundance of God’s provision in our lives. From the food we eat to the shelter we have, from the clothes we wear to the family and friends we cherish, harvest season is a reminder to us that God is our ultimate provider. Harvest season is a time of reaping what we have sown, a season of abundance. It’s a time when farmers gather the fruits of their labor, the culmination of months of hard work, patience, and sacrifice. For us, as moms, it’s a time when we can appreciate the blessings around us, a time to reflect on the things we have accomplished, not just the tasks left undone.  

“Now the one who provides seed for the sower and bread for food will also provide and multiply your seed and increase the harvest of your righteousness.” 2 Corinthians 9:10

We can use this time of year, as we can any time of year, to give back to bless others from the abundance we have. As we enjoy the fruits of our labor, let's look for ways to bless others. Whether it be a donation to charity, helping out at a local food pantry, or volunteering to serve at the church or for those in need, there are plenty of ways to give back and show gratitude this season. By doing so, we can help spread joy, shine a light for Jesus, teach our children to have hearts to serve others, and build stronger communities.




Faithful Stewardship


Harvest season is not just about abundance, but also about stewardship. It’s a time when we can reflect on our own lives and assess how we have used the resources that God has entrusted to us. Have we used our time, talents, and treasures in a way that honors Him? Have we been faithful stewards of all that He has given us? 

“The point is this: The person who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and the person who sows generously will also reap generously. Each person should do as he has decided in his heart—not reluctantly or out of compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver. And God is able to make every grace overflow to you, so that in every way, always having everything you need, you may excel in every good work. As it is written:

He distributed freely;
He gave to the poor;
His righteousness endures forever.

Now the one who provides seed for the sower and bread for food will also provide and multiply your seed and increase the harvest of your righteousness. You will be enriched in every way for all generosity, which produces thanksgiving to God through us.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-10

Part of understanding God’s provision for our lives is to trust that if we sow generously, He is faithful to do exceedingly and abundantly more with it than we can ask or imagine. Part of being good stewards of what God has entrusted us with is to faithfully sow seeds, expecting the harvest to come at God’s perfect timing. When we do this from a place of faithfulness and trust, it opens us up for God’s provision in every way. 


Life is hard, and times can get tough. But what we do with what we have says everything about our character, our trust in God, and our faithfulness. Do for others every chance you get. Teach your kids about God’s love and train them in righteousness. Serve your spouse when it’s hard to. Give with your finances, even when you are struggling and need every penny. I know, it’s hard sometimes. However, God has never and will never fail to take care of His people. 



As we enter into the harvest season, mamas, let us be intentional about cultivating a heart of gratitude. Let us take time to reflect on God’s goodness in our lives and to celebrate the abundance that He has provided. Let us be faithful stewards of all that He has given us; and may we do it to honor and glorify Him. And most importantly, let us remember that God’s provision is not just for the harvest season, but for every season of our lives, and let us give thanks for His unending love and grace.






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