13 Back to School Prayer Points
If you are familiar with just about anything that's going on in the world, you know how important it is to cover your kids in prayer. These prayer points aren't just good for the beginning of the year, but they can be used to pray for your kids the whole year. It's easy to let the newness of a school year remind us to pray for our kids; but the challenge really lies in continuing prayer for them beyond that. Without a doubt, they will need it.
13 Topics to pray for your kids as they go back to school
We stand at the starting mark for school, and when that flag waves, so to speak, we speed into the school year; and it's go, go, go from there. We must not forget to cover our kids in prayer. Not only should we pray for our kids, but we should pray with our kids. If you want to know more about how to create a family prayer time, you can read that blog here.
Here are thirteen topics to help you focus on specific points of prayer for the school year.
1. Pray for wisdom and discernment.
Both wisdom and discernment are powerful tools to cling to every day; and the great news is, that it's available to us, if we just ask for it. Not only is it something we want to pray that the Lord gives our kids, but we should also teach them to pray for wisdom and discernment for themselves. As they go off to school each day, they are filled with new information, having new conversations, meeting new people, experiencing new things, and the list goes on. Without wisdom and discernment, they will get lost in the ways of this world. Wisdom and discernment go hand in hand, and you want your kids armed with both!
"Now if any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God - who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly - and it will be given to him." James 1:5
"Wisdom is found on the lips of the discerning, but a rod is for the back of the one who lacks sense." Proverbs 10:1
2. Pray for old and new friendships.
I love the sound of my kids laughing with their friends and enjoying each other's company. It takes me back to when I was their age. Friendship is such a sweet opportunity we have in this life. Pray for the friends your kids already have. Pray that they know Jesus as their Savior, that they are continuing to grow in their faith, and that they are good examples to your kids. Also pray that your kids gain new friends this year, and pray the same things for them that you pray for the friends they already have.
We wouldn't want to pray for how others can be good friends to our kids, without praying that our kids too, will be authentic and true friends towards their old friendships and for new friends to come. Pray that your kids and their friends will be the salt and light to a dark world. Friends have such an influence on each other, and have a direct impact on decisions they make. So it's important to pray that they make wise decisions on who they choose to hang around. That is where wisdom and discernment come in.
“The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray.” Proverbs 12:26.
3. Pray for health.
The school year brings sick seasons and the passing around of sickness. It's always a good idea to pray for our kids to stay healthy throughout the year, and that any sickness that comes their way, will also pass through them quickly. There is no reason to fear sickness. When we begin to fear it, sure enough that fear can become it's own sickness that we can pass on to our children. Instead, we can increase our faith in the God who created us, pray boldly, wash our hands, and trust God with our lives.
"Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers." 3 John 1:2
4. Pray for protection.
If you send your kids to school, you are doing so, trusting they will be kept safe. It can be scary to think of just how many things can happen to them that's out of our control. Instead of allowing our minds to go wild thinking about those things and becoming fearful, or the complete opposite, and not even thinking about their safety; we should be praying for their protection while they are away at school. Pray that no harm can come upon them, and that they return safely home at the end of the day.
"But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one." 2 Thessalonians 3:3
5. Pray for educators and staff.
Pray that the teacher who is entrusted with your kid for the school year does not take that responsibility lightly. The largest chunk of awake time during the school year is spent at school. That means the influence a teacher has on your kid is massive. That's why we want to make sure we cover their teacher in prayer. We also want to pray for all who encounter our kids during the year. We live in a time where things are being taught and implemented in schools that should never be allowed. Pray that your kid gets a teacher who will keep their education to what subjects should be taught, and to keep all other topics out of the classroom.
"Let us not get tired of doing good, for we will reap at the proper time if we don't give up." Galatians 6:9
6. Pray for integrity.
It's hard to be a kid in this day and age, where access to almost anything is at their fingertips; and they are hit left and right with challenges and temptations in multiple areas. We work hard to teach them good character, but what will they do with those character traits when different situations arise? Even more, what will they do when nobody is looking. Pray that your kids will chase after God so hard that when temptations arise, in whatever manner that may be, whether to lie, cheat, or cross the line into deeper issues; that they will cry out to God to give them strength to overcome. We should not only pray for our kids to have integrity, but we also need to teach them what integrity looks like. Dads should be teaching their sons how to have integrity that not only helps them in certain situations, but that also keeps them from getting into situations. Moms need to teach their daughters the same thing. Of course, dads and moms can and should pour into both sons and daughters to teach them these very things.
"Whoever walks in integrity walks securely, but whoever takes crooked paths will be found out." Proverbs 10:9
7. Pray for boldness to share Jesus
Above all else, our purpose in life is to know God and to make Him known. All the school in the world will not get us to heaven. We cannot miss teaching our kids to tell others about Jesus. They will learn by seeing you, as their parent, be "fishers of men" in your daily life. You model through the way you live and love others. You can teach them to tell others about Jesus, and you can pray that they have the courage to tell their friends that Jesus loves them and gave His life for them. Nothing else matters in the end.
"The righteous are as bold as a lion." Proverbs 28:1b
8. Pray for confidence.
This is a tough one for most kids. Goodness, it's a tough one for adults. There is so much fear of what others think. There is fear of not being good enough. There are so many factors that tear away confidence in kids, and factors that keep them from building confidence in the first place. Oh, how we play such a role in the building up of our children! Prayer is a massive tool for that. Pray that God will give them confidence to face each day, and that He will teach them that their confidence is found in Him. This almost always comes through testing and trial. We know these things are going to come their way. Instead of praying problems away, pray that their confidence in Christ grows through each trial, and that they will come out of every situation more confident.
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
9. Pray for their identity in Christ.
This is a lot like our prayer for their confidence. Adults search online, read books, and seek all kinds of help because they don't know who they are. Kids do the same thing. They want to know who they are and why they are here. We need to teach them there very identity is found in Christ. Cover them with prayer that God will show them little ways each day that they are known and loved by Him. When their confidence is found in who God is and their identity is found in His very nature and his purpose in creating them; then they do not have to search the world for something that the world can never give them.
"I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well." Psalm 139:14
10. Pray for respect.
Respecting authority should never be a lost character trait. Younger and younger it seems, kids are not being taught respect. They are getting lost in a world that thinks you have to earn it before it's given. Of course respect for a person can be lost when someone's integrity is lost, trust is broken, or they have done irreversible damage; but that's a topic for another time. General respect for authority, for elders, and even for peers should be something our kids stand out in their character. Pray that God would give them opportunities to show respect to others beyond what is "deserved", and give it because it's their character, whether it's the other person's or not.
"Show proper respect for everyone." 1 Peter 2:17a
11. Pray for obedience.
Pray that your kids are obedient to their teacher and other's who they are with while away from you. Pray that their best interest is always in mind when authority tells them to do something; and pray that their response is obedience.
"Obey your leaders and submit to them." Hebrews 13:17a
12. Pray for self-control.
Pray that the Holy Spirit will give your kids gentle reminders to control their actions and speech each day. We have a saying at our house. "Your response is your responsibility." Regardless of whatever anyone says or does, you are held responsibly for how you respond. This can be simply self-control during class time. It may be a response in a situation where they are frustrated. No matter what it may be, pray that they are reminded to remain in control of their self.
"But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control." Galatians 5:22-23
13. Pray for joy.
I love this one because it can be an easily forgotten prayer. It's so simple, yet so hard to have some days. Many kids, I wont say all, but quite a few do not jump out of bed in the mornings ready to take on the school day. I mean, I get it! I think we can all use a little reminder to have joy this school year. In the midst of busy schedules, lack of sleep, and long to do lists, if we don't consider it all as joy, other emotions take over. Pray that your kids will be reminded of God's unfailing love for them. That they are reminded that the very breath in their lungs that allowed them another day, is a gift from God.
"The LORD had done great things for us; we were joyful." Psalm 126:3
Wow! These prayers can relate to all of us, every day! If you pray as a family before bed, like our family does, you can print these prayer topics to use as you pray together.
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