mom and teen blog, mom blog, relationship with kids, family ideas

Hey there! Savvy here!

I'm glad you stopped by! 

We are the Wilson family. I'm Savanna, wife to Devon and mom of these six precious Kingdom impacters!

I'm incredibly passionate about the hearts and lives of children and teens. I have taught in elementary schools and ESL. I was also a Children's Ministry Director, and have been a part of children's ministries for years, including church camps and VBS's! With raising six kids, comes all the friends...Our home is always full, and we love it!

We homeschool our kids, having four of them currently in school. They play sports with the public school district we are in, and we love watching them do their best to the glory of God, and to have fun doing it! I'm excited and expectant for what God is going to do this school year!

As moms, our greatest calling is to disciple our children, pointing them to Jesus every chance we get. It's not easy, I know! We are called to be intentional, every day. We all fall short, of course; I know I do every day! Thankfully, that's where God's grace comes in. When we choose to accept that grace, in place of our guilt and disappointment, we can move forward in confidence that His power is made strong in our weakness.


So come on mama! It's time to be bold, intentional, and in relentless pursuit of raising Kingdom impacters. I would love for you to go on this journey with me. I pray I can encourage you and be encouraged by you as we raise these kiddos. Their soul and eternal destiny, as well as those they influence, depend upon it. Life is busy and hectic. The world around us stays loud. Time passes quickly. They need you mama! 

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